The Showstoppers Kids Show

The Showstoppers Kids Show

Helyszín The Belly

Ár a 8333 Ft

Here at The Showstoppers’ Kids Show we take your ideas and turn them into marvellous, musical interactive adventures. You decide where the story is set, who we meet and where we go. Harry Potter on the moon? Done! Peppa Pig and the Gruffalo meet dinosaurs inside a dolls house? No worries! VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR GROWN UPS!: Children (and ONLY children!) are in charge in – no cheating please! Kids get to decide who our heroes are and what happens next in every story. All they need to do is shout out their ideas and The Showstoppers will bring them to life, right there on the spot. They can even join in! If your children could create their very own dream musical show, where would they start? A magical castle under the sea? A spooky graveyard? And who would the characters be? A super hero? A crocodile? A fairy? From their imaginations straight onto the stage – we’ll bring their ideas to life.



Információ a helyszínről

The Belly
Jubilee Gardens, Belvedere Road

Információ az előadásról

Kezdő dátum

Végső dátum

Előadás hossza:
60 minutes


(5 mins) Take Concert Hall Approach toward the Thames, and turn left at Belvedere Road. Take the first road on your right, and you will see the purple Udderbelly tent.

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